Monday, April 30, 2012

Garlic Chicken Fry

Garlic Chicken Fry is one of the Best fried Chicken recipes. This fried Chicken variation uses a hefty amount of garlic which is  ground along rest of the spice to make a smooth paste. Making your own Garlic Chicken fry is very quick and easy, I have used boneless chicken pieces. It does not take too much time and the cooking procedure is simple. If you are a beginner in cooking, this recipe is the right one for you to start with.
Chicken medium pieces (You can also use chicken leg pieces)

Make fine thick paste of the following:
Garlic flakes 12 (
I used a bigger variety of garlic)
Red chilli 15 number
Thick yogurt for grinding
4-5 pepper corns
2 Indian capers or marathi moggu (this spice is easily available in stores)

[Finally mix with 2-3 tbsp corn flour to the paste according to the consistency needed]
  • Take the chicken pieces and marinate it in the ground paste for 1-2 hours. You can also keep it longer.
  • Deep fry the marinate and serve along the meals.
  • I am sure your gonna love it. This is simple but quite tasty recipe.

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