Friday, July 15, 2011

Squid garlic chilly

Squid garlic chilly.... [bondas chilly]
Quantity of 10-12 squid...

Blend these to fine paste: 
12-15 red chilli
garlic 6-8 cloves 
5-6 pepper corn
half tbsp musturd
smal tb spn cumin seeds
2 tb spn coriander seed
tamerind pulp
fenugreek seed 1/4 tb sp.
  • In a pan fry smashed garlic 6-8 along oil, add small tb sp tarmeric powder.
  • Then add the paste and fry for 5-10 mins.
  • Add the squid pieces add little water for semi gravy. 
  • Cook for 15-20 min.
 Tastes very rich with garlic flavor and spicy hot :P

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