Friday, November 23, 2012


Jalebi is a hot favorite on any special occasion be it a birthday, wedding or festival. I made the Jalebi for the first time and was happy to see they were crispy, sweet and mouth watering. It is a very easy recipe which can be made during festival occasions. Making of Jalebi made me feel that nothing is impossible if everything is well planned ;)

For Sugar syrup
Sugar 1 cup
Water 1 cup
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Rose essence/elachi powder (Optional)
Boil the sugar and water together. Add the lemon juice and pinch of elachi and close the heat.

Maida/All purpose flour 1 cup
Corn Flour 2 tblsp
2 tbsp bengal gram powder
Thick Curd 3/4 cup(approximately)
Baking soda 1/2 tbsp
Ghee 2 tblsp
Yellow food colour     1/2 pinch
Oil + ghee for deep frying

  • Mix the flour, besan (gram flour), corn flour, food color, & ghee together.
  • Add the yogurt and mix well, making sure that there are no lumps and the batter is smooth.Consistency should be like vada batter.
  • Keep it in a warm place for 12 hours/overnight or until it ferments well.Next day mix well with a ladle. It should be a sticky thick batter of dropping consistency..
  • In a flat bottomed pan, heat oil+ ghee.
  • To check if the oil is ready, put ont drop of batter in the oil, the batter should sizzle and come up without changing in color right away.
  • Transfer the batter into a clean ketchup bottle/ketchup dispenser, you can also use piping bag if you have it.
  • Squeeze the Jalebi batter out in the hot oil in a pretzel shape to about 2 inches in diameter.
  • Fry the Jalebis until golden-brown on both sides.
  • Transfer into the warm syrup.
  • Let jalebi soak in the hot syrup for a few seconds and take out.
  • Serve hot


  1. Your directions are so clear and makes me want to give this recipe a try. So thank you and I hope to make it pretty soon.

  2. Looks fantastic ... Will try it for sure! Thanks!

  3. Oh mam..thnx for d recipe..I luv jalebi..:-p
